Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What's so funny about peace, love and magic mushrooms?

From the WALL STREET JOURNAL'S Free Features Section comes a report on a study of the psychadelic effects of "magic" mushrooms by Ron Winslow; it yields interestingly positive results for the drug:

"A third of the participants said the experience with psilocybin was the single most significant experience of their lives, and an additional 38% rated it among their top five such experiences -- akin to, say, the birth of a first child or the death of a parent....Two months after the sessions, 79% of the participants indicated in questionnaires that their sense of well-being and satisfaction increased after the psilocybin episodes"

They also have a timeline in the article that makes you wonder where this sort of research has been for the past... forty years?

"It's remarkable that we have a class of compounds that has sat in the deep freeze for 40 years," Dr. Griffiths said. "It seemed to me scientifically it was high time to look again" at psychedelic agents."

thanks to Boing Boing for the link

Zefrank has reported on this issue as well....in video

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