Saturday, February 10, 2007

Free Culture!

I just finished reading Lawrence Lessig's "Free Culture". I recommend reading it, though I don't really agree 100% with all of his suggestions. The value of the book for me was simply the detailed description of exaclty what is going on right now in regards to copyright law, and how in the past, radical new technologies have been confronted with similar roadblocks.

In the book he suggests there be a required registration for people who want copyrights. This enables any person to browse and know definitely what is copywritten, and what is in the public domain.
This is good for people who need to make money off of large creative investments and can't afford to be sued by copywrite holders. I however, will continue operating under the assertion that no one actually ever owns anything he creates, and therefore cannot stop anyone from using it, my own work included.

The more disturbing aspects of the book are that they highlight how the whole radical end of the copyright battle is being waged only out of greed and the desire for institutional perpetuation. A very sad state of affairs.

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