Thursday, May 31, 2007

Roxy Paine at Madison Square Park

Roxy Paine has three new stainless steel sculptures on display in Madison Square Park (map). While less conceptual than some of his other work, these sculptures are pretty beautiful and are sited particularly well in the small oasis of green between the tall office buildings on 23rd street. Watching the light change on them last night made me wish there was a time-lapse video of each piece over the course of a day.

Paine showed a similar sculpture in the 2004 Whitney Biennial. He has done some really interesting process-oriented work in the past creating machines that make paintings and sculptures based on a set of variables. See links below for some of that work.

Madison Square Park Conservancy - Includes a video interview
James Cohan Gallery
Ronald Feldman
From Grand Arts:
- SCUMAK (Sculpture Maker)
- PMU (Painting Manufacturing Unit)

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