Friday, August 31, 2007

La Blogotheque Delivers

Video Blogger La Blogotheque has been capturing "Take away concerts"

Description from the website

The Take Away Shows are a Video Podcast produced by the french weblog La Blogothèque. Every week, we give away a session, shot with a band, in an unusual, urban environment.

Sessions are always filmed as a unique shot, without any cut, recorded live. We usually haven’t much time to record them, so the groups have to be spontaneous, to improvise, play with what they have with them, and with their environment, whether there’s a public or not.

The use of a single unedited shot, and real camera distance audio reveals the setting to the performers at the same time it does the viewer. The musicians are discovering and exploring their own music in this new context in real time.

Here are a few of my favorites:

The Dirty Projectors

Au Revoir Simone:

The Arcade Fire in an Elevator (note the great "magazine playing"):

Andrew Bird:

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